Project #6: Data Portrait
This sketch is a visualisation of my phone screentime over the course of ten days (the ten arc segments). The screentime is divided into categories - the innermost circles are streaming services (purple), the middle circles are socials (blue), and the outermost circles are other miscellaneous apps (yellow).
Design Process
From my total screentime and individual app time recorded on my phone, I categorised my phone usage into three major categories. That was the most time consuming part, as translating the data into p5 and representing it visually was very intuitive with arrays.
I played around with the aesthetics and the format of the sketch until I was satisfied with it.
I feel like some of the finer points of my usage were lost in translation, but I could probably collect more data points and create a more nuanced visualisation given enough time. I definitely had to pick and choose exactly which data points I wanted to include - if I had to do this again, I would give more thought to the selection process.
I've realised I spend a lot of time on my phone on streaming services, although that's probably because I like to have music or a TV show playing as background noise while I'm working.